You need LiveCode 8.1.10 or LiveCode 9 to use these widgets.
For a start you could use the free Community edition if you are downloading the open source widgets (marked with a *).
Shows up to 7 biorhythm curves and their weighted mean (graph or table)
1 Start LC 8/9. 2 Download the
extension file (.lce) 3 Install the widget by selecting the lce file from menu
Tools/Download Manager and its button "+" at topright. 4 Quit and restart LC 8/9. 5 Download and open the
sample stack
widget.biorhythm version 1.0.0 [-hh fecit 2020]
Instead of step 5 above you may also use
"go stack URL" from the LC message box.
Paste in LC's msg to load stack into RAM.
Main Features and Hints
The widget computes BioRhythm-Curves (sinus curves with different periods in days and values in range -100 to 100). The 7 names and their periods are:
physical 23, emotional 28, intellectual 33, spiritual 53, awareness 48, aesthetic 43, intuition 38.
Moreover you can have a weighted mean of the included of these 7 curves.
After setting the base-date (property dateOfBirth) curve values are computed for a range of days around the target-date (property lookUpDate) that usually is "today".
Use the property inspector or the message box to set the 50+ properties of the widget. Use the rightClick menu for some main actions. The timer scrolls the curves or the table forward by one day every second. Use the scrollWheel to change the dayOffset of the lookUpDate.
For the creation of a dataList for N days the widget uses the current base-date, target-date and the selected inclusions (physical etc.). See in the sample stack button "dataList" and the widget's script (as described in the dictionary in entry "community.livecode.hermann.biorhythm").
After installation of the widget and restarting LiveCode find detailed help in the dictionary.